To serve you better in a more secured environment, we'll be moving all accounts on Gold server to Platinum server, starting from 18 May 2005.
There will not be downtime, all sites will perform as usual.
For domains that were registered by us, we'll update DNS from our side, clients do not have to do anything.
For domains that are not under our control, we'll email account owner new DNS information so that clients can update DNS themselves. When you receive such email, please update DNS asap. Note, do not update anything until you receive email from us.
If your site is on Gold server and you experience problems, please open support ticket or email us.
Sites on other servers will not be affected. To find out which server your site is on, read this post.
Migration in process.
Update 27/05/2005: Migration complete smoothly. We've mannually sent emails to all clients who need to update nameservers. Old nameservers will stop working next month. If your domain was on Gold server and you are still using old nameservers, please change to new nameservers as instructed ASAP. Otherwise, your site will be down next month.